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Video Marketing – A Source To Reach Potential Customers

If we say that video marketing for businesses is a novel concept, it’d be wrong. The usefulness of videos in promotional business strategies has already been well established. Yet, there are several brands which are still apprehensive about incorporating videos in their marketing plans. Why, we wonder?

According to data presented by HubSpot following a research, nearly 82% of businesses worldwide publish about 18 videos a month. This is because these organisations realise and value the indispensable role of a video in business marketing. Let’s explore together how video marketing has slowly become the backbone of online marketing.

How Video Marketing Can be Your Perfect Promotional Channel

  1. If you’re a new brand and want to get familiar with potential customers, then video is the way. You can communicate with your audience all that you want them to know about you. And the more intriguing the video, the more long-lasting your brand retains in their memory. Besides that, informative videos can help build loyal relations with existing customers too.
  2. Did you know that you can drive a major chunk of traffic to your site only by publishing videos? Yes, videos are great at user engagement and even attracting first-timers. And higher traffic of course means higher ranks on Google. Now does it ring a bell to start including videos in your content?
  3. If you want to prevent potential customers from shutting down your page and hopping to another one, videos can help. Most contents that are text-heavy can put off visitors, sometimes even permanently. But a well-created attractive video will keep them on the page longer. Most important, it may even bring them back for re-viewing.
  4. Videos are an excellent means of bolstering your conversion rate too. You make your brand reach out to potential customers and not long after, they soon convert to real ones. This is because videos have the power to convince, help retain brand image in customer memory, and bring them back for more.
  5. Where’s the best place to publish video content? Your website, of course. But what if you’re new and nobody’s aware of your presence? Social media is the best platform to promote literally anything.In fact, video marketing and social media go hand in hand. Anything that gets liked here is shared by millions with another million. You succeed.
  6. Is the thought of investing too much into video content marketing, especially if you’re new, putting you off? Then we have some good news. You can create high-quality videos simply on your smartphone and upload them on YouTube. It’s that simple. You get traffic, likes and shares, all without spending a fortune.

To Sum Up

Just like businesses embraced the idea of text content for promotion, so is video marketing the need of the hour. Today a website that doesn’t have videos gets lagged behind in the race. It could be as raw and simple, most important, it needs to be authentic.

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